Peeing in a deer scrape scares bucks away. It was a myth for me until I proved it wrong last Summer. I believed this would spook bucks away like human scent in my early hunting days, but I was wrong!
Peeing in scrapes attracts surrounding bucks to smell it. They stand there for a few seconds to a minute at least. The curiousness of smell brings them, and I haven’t seen them getting spooked in my trail camera.
Peeing in a deer scrape does work and can benefit hunters. Not only is it a personal experience, but many studies have proven it to be the same. Some say whitetail deer and human urine have the same composition, but some suggest it has a hormonal role.ย
Why Does Human Urine Attract Deer?
Human urine is considered to be the same composition as the whitetail deer. However, some studies and scientists argue that it is male testosterone that plays a major role in buck attraction.ย The human scent must not be near the scrape to avoid spooking deer.
So, instead of buying expensive bottles of deer urine to attract your hunts, try your own first. If you know how to use doe estrus to your advantage, it can bring in big and aggressive trophy bucks!
Is It Bad To Pee In The Deer Scrape?
During the rut, deer scrapes are believed to be from the estrous doe for buck communication. Hunters hunting in late October or Early November often use estrus. It is a time window when doe stays in heat for mating.
But as far as my understanding and observation go, it is also male-to-male communication to assert dominance in the locality. Peeing in the deer scrapes hasnโt proven bad. Contrarily, it has proven helpful for hunters.ย
Does Deer Mark The Boundary With Urine?
Deers show some level of terrestrial dominance and mark their boundary to show their territory. Urine is considered to be the main factor in marking the animal territory. Tarsal glands secrete some scent that adds to this territorial marking.ย
After urinating, deer rub over the urinates, and when urine flows, it carries the scent with it, marking the boundary of the buck for its territory.ย This scent is suggested to contain information about the health status, dominance, sex, and likely some other characteristics of the deer.ย
Does Deer Hate The Human Urine Smell?
No, deer donโt hate the smell of human urine. Even if they do, they will overcome it after one time exposure. After getting familiar with it, they will adapt to it and can visit the area more often than before.ย I have had the experience of peeing from a tree stand, which does not affect deer hunting.
Peeing the deer scrapes has attracted more bucks than I thought. Male testosterone is considered to be the main driving behind this, but some suggest that it is doe pee scent and scrape that does the charm.
About Alex David
I am an avid bow hunter and author of Tree Stand Ranger. Hunting from tree stands has been a passion of mine for many years. I’ve had the privilege of owning several tree stands and hunting properties throughout my life, and I take great pride in having the opportunity to do so. Read more about me.
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